Completed assembling the Sherman, everything kinda dropped into place and little work was needed, except for the turret which had, in my opinion, a little to much visible seems. I corrected this by dotting it with a putty/ glue mix and givenit a light sanding afterwards.
Because i don't know what the setting of this model i will be and if i want to use figures or not I made all the hatches workable so i can open or close them when needed. I drilled out the hinches and used copper wire to connect the hatches to them.
All the hinches worked with me except the drivers hatch, for this hatch i wrecked the hinch by drilling at the wrong point. I tried to fix this by painting 3D paint over it. 3D paint is perfect paint for giving some texture to parts.
At last i used green stuff to simulate welding beads where some parts, like the PE parts, where missing these beads.
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